‘hypno’ what?!

Let’s face it, the word ‘hypnobirthing’ can be off-putting. Let me reassure you, it’s not at all ‘out there’ as the name suggests, hypnobirthing is actually based on scientific evidence and logic.

So what is hypnobirthing and how can it help you?!

  • You’ll learn how your body works, how it’s perfectly designed to give birth and how you can work with your body to facilitate an easier and more comfortable birth.

  • You’ll find out why it’s so important to stay calm and relaxed, and will learn techniques to enable you to do this.

  • Your birth partner will learn that they have a really important role in this too and how they can best support you, so they won’t be left feeling like a spare part on the day.

  • You’ll learn about your options throughout pregnancy and birth, and how to navigate the healthcare system so that you’re in an empowered position to make informed choices about your care, and achieve the best possible birth for you.

My couples leave the course thinking about birth in a more positive way, feeling excited and looking forward to meeting your baby!

Is hypnobirthing for you?

Yes, hypnobirthing is for everyone!  My goal is to help you feel supported and able to achieve the birth you want, whatever that might be.

The techniques can be used in all births, whether you plan to be at home, in a hospital or birth centre; or if you want your birth to be medicated, drug free or via Cesarean Section.  

There are no fixed rules around hypnobirthing, your choices will always be respected, and hypnobirthing will help you make informed decisions around them. Hypnobirthing always makes a difference!

Benefits of hypnobirthing

  • Help your mind and body work together for a calm birth

  • Your birth partner will learn how to support you and have an important and active role in the birth

  • Bond with your baby!

  • Release fear and gain confidence in your body to birth your baby

  • Go into labour feeling prepared and capable

  • Be informed about your choices around labour

  • Learn breathing techniques for birth

  • Learn relaxations, visualisations and positive birth affirmations